Reasons to Seal and Reseal Your Monolithic Roof

Just like any other roof, a monolithic roof needs to be cared for and maintained. Throughout this blog, we will tell you why it’s important to seal your roof, when to seal your roof, how often to seal it, and how to ensure it stays in good shape.

Your roofing, like anything else, needs to be cared for and maintained. Read this blog to learn more about the roof above your head and what you should do to care for it.

First, What Is a Monolithic Roof?

In the roofing world, monolithic means seamless. There are a few kinds of monolithic roofing systems. Some claim to be seamless, and some actually are. Depending on the state of your roofing, it might at one point have been seamless, but because of weather, etc., it is no longer seamless.

A roof might be seamless by design. For example, roofs with one layer of the membrane are generally considered monolithic. This is why once you add a spray coating to your roof, no matter what kind of roof it is, it becomes monolithic.

Expanding and Contracting of Your Roof Causes Cracks, Leaks

Over time, roofs will be negatively affected by the weather if adequately cared for. The weather changing from hot to cold and back throughout the year causes much expansion and contracting—no matter what kind of roof you have. Eventually, constant expansion and contracting will weaken the seams or cause cracks in your roof, weakening the seal’s integrity.

Cracks can be the result of poor installation from the previous contractor. They can also be the result of age.

Why Seal Your Roof?

You should ensure your roof is sealed because then you won’t have to worry about leaks for a long time. A fresh seal coating over your monolithic roof is an insurance policy against the weather damaging your roof.

As a property owner, it will be important for you to feel confident in your roof’s ability to keep your property safe from water damage, etc. You won’t have to worry for a long time with a freshly coated roof.

Two Kinds of Roof Coatings:

Two kinds of roof coatings are most used:

  • Polyurethane spray
  • Roof coating systems

Polyurethane spray is a liquid plastic foam that is sprayed uniformly across the roof. It hardens and is topped with protective granules that will add further protection from the water, weather, and sun. This is the most common and one of the most reliable ways to create a completely seamless roof.

Roof coating systems are based on a similar principle, but instead of spraying them on, they can be rolled on like paint. There are a few different kinds, but the point is that when they dry, they create a weatherproof seal.

How Long Will a Roof Seal Last?

Typically, a roof coating installed correctly should last about 15 years. However, there are multiple things that can affect this rating. Extreme weather can affect this, but the biggest factor is the quality of the installation. An improper roofing seal installation will not do the trick.

The only way to ensure your roofing is properly protected is to ensure you hire an excellent roof sealing expert for the job.

Replace Your Tar Roof

One unexpected reason that you should consider resealing your roof is if you have an old tar roof. Modified bitumen, tar, and gravel roofs crack over time due to the weather. In the roofing industry, there is a term called “alligatoring.” This is when multiple cracks occur in a similar place because of weather and constant expansion and contracting. This is very common with the previously mentioned kinds of roofing.

If you have a tar roof and don’t want to worry about it failing, you should switch to a monolithic, sealed roof.

Reasons to Seal Your Roof

The most obvious reason you should have an effective seal over your head is that it’s one less thing you have to worry about. A properly sealed roof allows you to focus on the events occurring inside the building, not what’s happening on top of it. Whether you run an office building, a school, an apartment building, or anything else, a sealed roof will be good for your peace of mind.

Ask yourself: when was the last time you had your roof sealed? If it was long ago, it could be worth investing in a new roof coating.

Things to Consider When Caring for Your Monolithic Roof

Once your monolithic roof is installed, you won’t have to worry about it too much. However, in the name of caution, if possible, you should go up and complete a visual check at least once per summer. In general, touch-ups will be required once every five years and replacement every 15.

When to Consider Roof Coating Restoration

If you saw any damage to your monolithic roof the last time you went on top of your building, it could be time to consider calling your local monolithic roofing expert.

If you find weather damage, chances are there is much more than what you saw. Resealing your roof is the best way to ensure your property is protected.

Rest Easy With a Resealed Roof

Once you see the results of a properly resealed, seamless roof coating, you’ll see why most commercial property owners have made the switch to monolithic roofing. It’s much more reliable than the old commercial membrane roofing systems methods. Whether you could benefit from a spray-on roof coating or a roll-on roof coating system will depend on the assessment of the roofing company you work with. If you’re curious, call your local roofing expert.

Seal Your Monolithic Roof for Peace of Mind Now

You should seal your monolithic roof and ensure it’s properly protected at all times for your own peace of mind. As a property owner, one of the best investments you can make is to protect your roofing. Unless your roofing is adequately/properly protected, the rest of the structure will be at risk.

If you want to ensure your property is properly protected, contact JD Coatings to inquire about our roof protection now!